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Showing posts from February, 2019

Simple c program for find roots of polynomial (basic coding).

This program is for find roots of polynomial in which X has maximum power is 2 and coefficient of X^2 is not equal to zero. #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> void main() {      float a,b,c,d,e,f;      printf("enter the  coefficient of X^2:");      scanf("%f",&a);      printf("enter the  coefficient of X:");      scanf("%f",&b);      printf("enter the value of  constant:");      scanf("%f",&c);      d=(b*b)-(4*a*c);      if(d>=0&&a!=0)         {                  e=(-b+sqrt(d))/(2*a);                  f=(-b-sqrt(d))/(2*a);             printf ("Root 1 =%f",e);             printf ("Root 2 =%f",f);       ...

how you can store your Aadhaar card in DigiLocker???

Aadhaar is indian document which is valid in India after passport. DigiLocker is an online, cloud-based service that was launched by the government as part of its Digital India campaign for storage, issuance, and verification of important documents, in a safe and convenient manner. DigiLocker has partnered with the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to make Aadhaaravailable online, automatically when users link their DigiLocker account with Aadhaar. Here are the details. Step by step process In order to store your Aadhaar online, in your DigiLocker account, follow these steps: First off, log on to the DigiLocker website  or download the DigiLocker app on your smartphone. Create your DigiLocker account. Once done, it will ask you for your Aadhaar number. Enter the same. You'll receive an OTP on your Aadhaar-registered mobile number. Enter the OTP to verify, and you're done. Download How to download Aadhaar from your DigiLock...

Making a simple calculater by using c language (coding).

#include<stdio.h> void main() {        float n,a,b;             printf("enter 1 for addition\n");             printf("enter 2 for subtraction\n");             printf("enter 3 for multiplication\n");             printf("enter 4 for division\n");             scanf("%d",&n);           if(n>=1&&n<5)          {             printf("enter first number:");             scanf("%f",&a);             printf("enter second number:");             scanf("%f",&b);               if(n==1)                   {         ...

simple c language program for find maximum from 3 number.(coding)

 #include<stdio.h> void  main() {       int a,b,c;       printf ("enter first number:");       scanf("%d",&a);       printf ("enter second number:");       scanf("%d",&b);       printf ("enter third number:");       scanf("%d",&c);            if(a>b)        {              if(a>c)               {                  printf ("%d is maximum                                                                             number",a);...

Area of most famous institute of India like iit.

Now a day, In the India iit(India institute of technology) is famous for engineering and it's field. AIIMS(All India institute of medical science) is one of  the world best institute for medical science and research. iim(India institute of management) is most famous institute for management. IITs        1) IIT KHARAGPUR:   IIT Kharagpur has a 8.5 square kilometres ( 2,100 acres ) campus and is residence to about 22,000 inhabitants.           2) IIT BOMBAY: the institute has physically expanded to include more than 584 major buildings with a combined area of more than 2.396 gross square feet (550 acres or 2.22 km²).        3)IIt Madras: IIT Madras is a residential institute that occupies a 2.5 km² (617 acre) campus that was formerly part of the adjoining  Guindy National Park       4)IIT DELHI: The current campus has an area of 320 acres (or 1.3 km²). ...

What is quantum physics? All the things about quantum physics.

Now a day father of technology is quantum. Quantum computer is faster than super computer. Quantum mechanics will the future of technology. It will develop more efficiency system.                 What is quantum physics in the most layman terms? Suppose you are driving a car, and I ask you how fast you are going. You might say something like, "My speed is 50 kilometers per hour". That is because speed is a quantity that we associate with numbers. Then, I might ask you "Where are you?" Your response might be "I am in Singapore," which is more accurately described as being at latitude 1.290270 and longitude 103.851959. Again, we associate the position with numbers. The position and speed of an object are examples of what physicists refer to as observables: things that can be measured directly. For hundreds of years, up until about 1900, physicists constructed predictive models of nature on the assumption that observables were simply ...

What is a quantum computer? All things about quantum computer.

Quantum computer is future technology of computer. It is faster than super computer.It works on base on quantum physics.It is more secure in data encryption,data storage,data processing, more precise etc. IBM, NASA, GOOGLE are leading companies which are developing quantum computer.                       Quantum computer A quantum computer is any device for computation that makes direct use of distinctively quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. In a classical (or conventional) computer, information is stored as bits; in a quantum computer, it is stored as qubits (quantum bits). The basic principle of quantum computation is that the quantum properties can be used to represent and structure data, and that quantum mechanisms can be devised and built to perform operations with this data. Although quantum computing is still in its infancy, experiments have bee...