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Showing posts from December, 2018

Some basic and necessary information about c language you don't know

C is a general-purpose, high-level language that was originally developed by Dennis M. Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell Labs. C was originally first implemented on the DEC PDP-11 computer in 1972. In 1978, Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie produced the first publicly available description of C, now known as the K&R standard. The UNIX operating system, the C compiler, and essentially all UNIX applications programs have been written in C. The C has now become a widely used professional language for various reasons. Easy to learn Structured language It produces efficient programs. It can handle low-level activities. It can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms. Facts about C C was invented to write an operating system called UNIX. C is a successor of B language which was introduced around 1970 The language was formalized in 1988 by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI). The UNIX OS was totally written in C by 1973. To

favourite dishes of Gujarat, everyone must eat one time.

Here some dishes which are famous in Gujarat and all over the world. 10. Handvo A savoury tea-cake that is crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. A healthy mix of bottle gourd (lauki) along with an aromatic mix of buttermilk, flour, coriander, chillies, lentils and rice. This is an easy and quick recipe made in just around 30 minutes, so you can serve this along with a chutney of your choice, to unexpected guests or even at dinner parties at home. 9. Dal Dhokli A Gujarati and Rajasthani dish, Dal Dhokli is a comfort food also known as varan phal or chakolya. While it is a popular in the Marwar region of Rajasthan, it is a staple in all of Gujarat. Spiced whole wheat dumplings simmered in a lively curry made with tuvar dal, garlic, peanuts, kokum and turmeric. dal dhokli Pair with chapati, paratha or rice for a whole meal. 8. Methi ka Thepla Popularly made in Gujarat, this fine and flavorful Indian bread with made from whole wheat flour kneaded with methi, chi

A brief history of internet. (know all things about it.)

What is the Internet ? The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks that use the TCP/IP set of network protocols to reach billions of users. The Internet began as a U.S Department of Defense network to link scientists and university professors around the world. A network of networks, today, the Internet serves as a global data communications system that links millions of private, public, academic and business networks via an international telecommunications backbone that consists of various electronic and optical networking technologies. Decentralized by design, no one owns the Internet and it has no central governing authority. As a creation of the Defense Department for sharing research data, this lack of centralization was intentional to make it less vulnerable to wartime or terrorist attacks. The terms “Internet” and “World Wide Web” are often used interchangeably; however, the Internet and World Wide Web are not one and the same. The Inter

Make your own mod app,do given step(with out app developer course).

I’ve Seen A Lot of People around Here and Other Forums who wants to know how to change the Package Name of Android Apps Code: (Ex. com.xvipre.settings to ) But some of them can’t really do it because of proper Programming Skills and Development Knowledge! So today I will show you how to do it! Without Programming Skills or Extra Development! Caution: Only use this if the App is Open-Source and ask for Developer Rights before doing this! I do not support Piracy! So don’t try to ruin Humanity by doing Piracy of Apps! So This shall be Only Used for Learning and Development Purposes! Requirements: · A Brain · Apktool · An APK to Work With! · PC/Android Device · DroidEdit/Notepad++ · A Little Knowledge in DroidEdit or Notepad++ Now Let’s Start— At First Decompile your APK using a Suitable and comfortable apktool. Use Apk-Multitool/Virtuous or other Tools. As you can see there are 2 files and 2 Folders inside Decompiled XVipreSetting.apk Folder. Quote:

The top ten Most Expensive Perfumes in the World

Since we can remember, women love to wear beautiful fragrances that make them feel happy, elegant, sexy, calm, or whatever mood it is their looking for. Fragrance industries are always searching for the next big scent that will attract women and many of them have come up with amazing fragrances that are sure to intrigue. The average perfume scents are pricey, and then, the high end perfumes can run into the thousands per bottle. It depends on how pure and exotic you want your perfume, what company designed and created the fragrance, as well as what kind of bottle they used to hold the perfume. These all factor into what you will likely spend on your favorite high-end scent. Some of the most expensive perfumes in the world are hundreds to thousands of dollars per ounce, and here are thee 10 most expensive perfumes available world wide, today. 10. Annick Goutal Eau d’Hadrien This is a fragrance that was introduced back in 1981 and it is a woman’s fragrance that boasts of a blen

The exam of BEE is now postpone for 18 Jan 2018

The exam of Basic Electric Engineering for B.E. Now Postpone on 18 Jan 2019 which is on 15 Jan 2019. This very good news from reputed source of GTU .