C has been an evergreen language and played a prominent role for most of the system developments that took place in the last few decades. C programming was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs and was made for general-purpose, imperativecomputer programming, that supported structured programming, lexical variable, scope, and recursion etc. Today, we have lots of programming languages to choose and learn but as a beginner, everybody has a question “Which programming language should I learn first?” and most of the answers that we get on the internet or through suggestions are “C”. In this article, we’ll try to find out if C Programming is still worth learning in 2018. If yes then why? A Brief History In 1972, the development of C started on the PDP-11 Unix system and by 1973, people started using C for Unix Kernel. Dennis Ritchie who is considered as...
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